Sunday, 1 August 2010

Grippidee Gravidee

Add hamster for full effect
Some mayo on a chip

Nothing to be scared of, just a whacking great albatross, king of doom.
Rumplestiltskin: Possibly the weirdest fictional character ever dreamt up. Look at his face.
I'm not saying you can't drink anything else, but if you do, you will die.
Best photo of all time

Difficult owl outfit selection
Now, I'm attempting to set a mature, high brow, art focused tone for this blog but as we all know we sometimes get distracted by things we see on the world wide web.  Here is a selection of tripe from my personal collection.  You' will notice no one image bears any relation to any other.  The only one uniting factor is their absurdity.

Hermann Obrist

How far is too far to go and see the work of a genius?  Normally I wouldn't step foot outside the M25, what with London being such a veritable banquet of artistic talent and all.  But I am almost magnetically drawn to the works of Hermann Obrist, who just happens to be showing at the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds.  I suppose I can kip on the train or even make idle chit chat with some poor business man about the North/South divide.

It couldn't have come at a better time, of late I have been obsessively studying icecream and wave images.  There's something of the Fibonnaci in them, something that Obrist captures in his sculpture.  Hovering somewhere between abstraction and representation, the pieces have elements of the familiar but are mostly extremely sensual, magnetic works just screaming to be groped.